Monday, April 11, 2011

O Commissioner, my Commissioner

An earnest plea from NFL fans to Commissioner Roger Goodell,
with respect to the ongoing lockout of the 2011 offseason.

Dedicated to Michael Stewart

O Captain! my Captain! our season now is done;
The Steelers humbled by the Pack, who mercilessly won;
The trophy dealt, our hearts would melt to revel in its glory;
The Super Bowl, a venue home to Rodgers' classic story;
But O, it eludes us!
O the sport to which we've wed,
Football has, by lockout stymied,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! negotiations' play
is now more prominent than the stars of football are today;
Your issues with DeMaurice Smith must soon be all resolved;
Appease the hearts, relieve the grief of everyone involved.
Hear, Captain! Commissioner!
What game could take its stead?
Below your principled watch, our pastime's
Fallen cold and dead.

This Captain fails to answer, his actions dormant still;
His mere one-dollar paycheck proves his ever-dying will;
But O he'll laugh, as at the Draft he proudly will proclaim
That, longing for a CBA, a deal has been his aim;
Commend, O backs, and praise, O ends!
Yet we, of faithful tread,
At football's absence wither slowly,
Fallen cold and dead.

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