Saturday, April 23, 2011

Joey, my dog

Beloved Joey, you alone
can melt my stolid heart of stone.
You bear an ever-pleasant face
despite your form devoid of grace.
My window guard, my home's defense,
with steadfast watch you govern whence.
A true companion to the end,
the quintessential man's best friend,
you tolerate my APUSH nights
and slumber soundly through the lights.
Yet, should an unexpected foe
approach our yard, you're never slow
to serenade with throaty yawp
and, only by my blessing, stop.
Now fully grown, perhaps senile,
you feel inclined to rest awhile
longer than in younger days,
yet your vitality I'll still praise.
With fondness I recall the years
of curly tail and precious ears;
though now your youth is far behind,
it's treasured in my heart and mind.
And surely I'll lament the day
when off to college I will stray;
for, Joey, dear fore'er to me,
I cannot bear to part with thee.


  1. i enjoy this greatly, although i have strong feelings of nostalgia and remorse, as i am trying to dumb my writing down a bit and you are ooching into that treasured ethereal place of which i used to grace haha

  2. I wrote it on the back of a program during a Good Friday Requiem at Covenant Presbyterian that my mom was singing in...needless to say, it didn't exactly hold my attention
