Tuesday, May 17, 2011


A visitor lies underneath this skin, a parasite whose presence I revile.
On Sunday nights his work he must begin, and I, his doleful victim, must beguile.
This guest unwanted dwelleth not on sleep for energy to pester me by day;
instead he jeers me as the house I keep illuminated, time flying away.
While weekends grant us separation's air to smell, inhale, and treasure on our own,
this company will pleasur'bly ensnare my body and with blandishments atone.
With me this monster grew through childhood years a witness to my every nascent breath.
He's both my aspirations and my fears and mocks me with the latter 'til my death.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Stop and run

Stop to think to breathe a second
Ponder caref’lly, shout aloud
Lest we pass these lands, these fecund
Fields, these ports, this hallowed ground

Wait to watch to wonder slightly
Marvel, though the hours escape
Come prepared to impolitely
Mold this world a different shape

Live to die to conquer princes
Cherish likes that never love
Chase the soul who ne’er evinces
Clearly what brings push to shove

Speak to sing to whisper loudly
Acclimate to improvise
Train your will so you may proudly
Run the race; obtain the prize